Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Week 8 Application (Blog) Exercise: Tone and Color

a. Analyze how TONE is operating in your example.
They use it to create a dramatic scene. One that goes from middle tone to strait lighter tones in the background to make the car, which is in darker tones stand out more and seem exciting.
b. Analyze how TONE is interacting with ONE of the other visual design elements described in Dondis Chapter 3. Choose the elements that have the most interesting relationship to tone.
Contrast because it is a black and whit picture so they don't use color hue or saturation.
c. Analyze how COLOR is operating in your example.
The Audi is the only use of color because it is giving more importance to the brand then the car itself.
d. Analyze how COLOR is interacting with ONE of the other visual design ELEMENTS described in Dondis Chapter 3. Choose the elements that have the most interesting relationship to color.
 there is not much interaction with color because it is only in the title and not so much in the rest of the ad. The tone in this picture is what sets it apart from the rest of the ads I saw. It was dramatic because it has high contrast and seems to jump right off the page rather then use a lot of colors to draw attention to the car. Its about class and the color is the separation from normal gray to bright vibrant Audi.

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