Tuesday, December 14, 2010

WK 15 Blog Exercise - Interactions Between the 3 Levels


-This lamp is designed to look and represent the human form while still being a functional lamp. The idea of the light bulb as the head of the human figure is a light bulb which is similar in shape and the body the main feature for space and its shape with human legs to bring the shape all together. 
- It gives the feeling that man kinds brain is the most important feature because the light bulb is so big in comparison to the body.
-The light bulb by itself is a symbol for thought or an idea.The human form is abstracted because of its function and symbolism.

- Its a lamp meant only to give light without taking the shape of a normal lamp. The shape is abstracted from nature in shape of a pine cone.
- The configuration is simple in repeating shapes and light tones. The shape of the lamp is brought to look like a pine cone but it doesn't use anything else we would see from nature such as color or textures . The shingles act as these visual ques in the overlapping style they where conformed into.
-Because it does shine and produce light you can definitely see the coloration between shape and the function it represents as a lamp. The uniformity of the design is a symbol of power and class in our society.


- It is the universal symbol for a lamp or light. The lack of detail allows it to symbolize rather then represent other lamps. This symbol is known to us to be a symbol of light. We know what is meant by the picture and it can be understood by anyone in the modern age.
- The impact is that it tells the viewer what its function is rather then to give a visual description. You see this symbol and know that it means light will come from this.  
-Its not a representation of a lamp that gives its  meaning but its shape and because it is a recognizable shape that everyone can relate to it is easy to understand its function in our world. By using the same shapes to represent what a real lamp would look like, it brings the memory of what a lamp is and what they can look like from past experiences.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Week 14 Application (Blog) Exercise



Representational: This piece is trying to represent the natural world, Using the closest colors to the real world and trying to make sure that the objects in the pictures are the right color. The shapes are also the same as they would grow in the real world. This picture is meant to show you what the artist was actually seeing rather then just making shapes that came out of the imagination.

Abstract: In the abstract piece you see the shape of a tree in the middle of the picture. However the tree itself is not what a normal or real tree would look like because it seems to made of light. The rest of the image also has color variations that differ from the real world. Its meant to be about a feeling you get when you look at the picture rather then a pretty picture of a tree. It is very specific about what has been changed from what it may have looked like if it had been about a representation of the real world. Its context is more about the spirit of the tree rather then the tree itself.

Symbolic: The symbolic tree at the bottom is meant to look like a tree but it shows you more and less then what you would see in real life. The roots are fully visible which in real life that would not make any sense to see them and would certainly depict a week structure if it where. Yet the picture itself gives of the feeling of balance and stability. There is also a play on the colors of the piece, they are unnaturally inverted to give more balance to the work. The symbol of a tree can stand for many things such as family, life, Prosperity, and more.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Week 12 Blog Exercise / Visual Techniques

These are some of Audi's and BMW's designs for flying cars for the future. The things I like the most about the Audi's concept is that they use simplicity in how they design it. The lines are stream lined to move effortlessly through the air rather then the limits of ground travel. The BMW design is more complicated but still uses similar ques of simple design in the roof design.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Week 11 Contrast Blog Exercise

                                                                                                                       productdesignforums.comThe artist tries to imply depth in the drawing by using tones of gray from lightest to darkest. Things are also darkest closer and kinda fade into lightest as the lines draw the eye back. With the back ground being pure white it is in high contrast because of the dark lines and shadows come out from the image. Sense the lines are not strait on the care and kinda form a curved image of a car almost as if it could jump off the page.
The tonal scales are still in place with this drawing too. You can see that this drawing is even more dramatic in Contrast because of the angle of the lines almost give the impression that the car could drive right of the page. The tones of gray are pretty drastic with the glass being clear in real life and here it is black so that the eye is told that the image is seperate from the background which in this case is white. The car is not pointed towards you because that would be a boring composition and would lack the visual stimulation and contrast. Also the front of the car is brighter then the back of the car giving the illusion of depth and that helps the image jump of the page better.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Week 9 Blog Exercise – Dimension/Depth/Space

The artist uses visual ques to give depth to a 2D drawing. Using simple two point perspective the artist reveals that the object is not flat but rather full of different ins and outs.The property of parallel lines converging at infinity allows us to reconstruct the relative distance of two parts of an object, or of landscape features. Relative size - If two objects are known to be the same size like some of the chambers in this design but their absolute size is unknown, relative size cues can provide information about the relative depth of the two rooms. The angle at which the lines are drawn here give the on looker the some of the lines are closer then others even though on paper they are not. Familiar size is also important since the visual angle of an object projected onto the eye and then decreases with distance, this information can be combined with previous knowledge of the object's size to determine the absolute depth of the object. This prior knowledge can be combined with information about the angle the eye can see is determined by the absolute depth of an memory of familiar objects in a scene. In this drawing the artist uses overlapping to give the impression that some things in the drawing are closer and some of the objects are further away from the eye.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Week 8 Application (Blog) Exercise: Tone and Color

a. Analyze how TONE is operating in your example.
They use it to create a dramatic scene. One that goes from middle tone to strait lighter tones in the background to make the car, which is in darker tones stand out more and seem exciting.
b. Analyze how TONE is interacting with ONE of the other visual design elements described in Dondis Chapter 3. Choose the elements that have the most interesting relationship to tone.
Contrast because it is a black and whit picture so they don't use color hue or saturation.
c. Analyze how COLOR is operating in your example.
The Audi is the only use of color because it is giving more importance to the brand then the car itself.
d. Analyze how COLOR is interacting with ONE of the other visual design ELEMENTS described in Dondis Chapter 3. Choose the elements that have the most interesting relationship to color.
 there is not much interaction with color because it is only in the title and not so much in the rest of the ad. The tone in this picture is what sets it apart from the rest of the ads I saw. It was dramatic because it has high contrast and seems to jump right off the page rather then use a lot of colors to draw attention to the car. Its about class and the color is the separation from normal gray to bright vibrant Audi.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

WK 5 Blog Exercise: Visual vs Symbolic Language

Unemployment in bold text, Waiting in line, looking through News papers for work, No hope, more people to jobs, outlook dual, people no jobs, no one is unique, no focus.

In this picture you a bunch of people standing in line but you can only see there outline with little detail on the person. Above them you have in Bold text like if someone had stamped across the page the word Unemployment. the back ground of the image is various news papers opened to their help wanted pages that have been given a dual spot light giving the effect of "old news".